Privacy Policy
At Motivated Dreams, we respect your privacy and handle your personal information with the utmost integrity and confidentiality. To this end, our privacy policy is designed to ensure the safe, transparent and proper handling of your personal data.
How we collect and handle your personal information
Our privacy policy and data procedures are in accordance with the principles of practice set forth by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):
Type of Data
In our newsletter database we process the following data: Name, Company, Email Address, Address and country.
Lawfulness, Fairness & Transparency
We will handle your personal data in a lawful and fair way, and in accordance with your rights.
Purpose Limitations
We only gather personal data for specific, explicit and legal purposes. Your personal data will solely be used for the purposes for which it was originally collected.
Data Minimisation
All personal data must be relevant, sufficient and limited to what is necessary regarding the purpose for which it was collected.
Integrity & Confidentiality
All processed personal data is considered confidential information. We guarantee confidentiality by ensuring that all our employees acknowledge that personal data is confidential, and by informing employees how personal data is to be properly handled in this regard.
Storage Limitations
Personal data will only be used to identify an individual, as long as it is absolutely necessary for the purposes for which the data was gathered.
For Online Costumers
If you place an order with us, we request certain personal information. You must provide contact information (such as name, e-mail and delivery address) and financial information (such as credit card number, expiration date and the three digit security code). We use this information for billing purposes and to complete your order. If we have trouble processing an order, we will use this information to contact you. Your telephone number is required for shipping purposes – in case Canada Post needs to contact you regarding the delivery.
Use of Cookies
Cookies are needed to get the website to work, and for you to have a good shopping experience. Cookies help us to know a little bit about how you use our website, and this improves the browsing experience both for you and others. The cookies used on this site are primarily used for traffic measurement and to improve the content of the website. If you continue to browse on this website, you accept the use of cookies. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. If you prefer, you can set your browser to reject cookies. However, you will not be able to take full advantage of our website if you do so.